Benefits of Drinking Water Before and After a Session

Benefits of Drinking Water Before and After a Session:   Keeping hydrated before and after a massage session is important for maintaining proper blood flow and healthy muscle tissue. Would you like to know why? This tissue contains tiny blood vessels...

Be The Best Version of You This New Year!

The New Year is a great time for you to start with a clean slate and focus on YOU and being the best you can be. Whether your resolution this year is to have more ‘you’ time, take better care of yourself or simply be the best possible you, LaVida Massage can help! If...

The Importance Of Water After A Massage

Getting a professional massage is one of the most rewarding and therapeutic things that you can do for yourself. Taking the time to yourself to get all your body’s aches and strains sorted out is a great feeling, and odds are, you want those results to last! After...

Stressed? Relief is Just Around the Corner.

The family, the job, the house, the social events…the list goes on and on. How can we catch a break from all of these situations? How can we feel “back to normal”, whatever that may be for each of us? I have two favorite ways to de-stress; work out or get a massage....

Strengthen Your Immune System With Regular Massage

Your immune system is responsible for keeping you healthy. Some of us have great immune systems and are hardly ever sick. They are the lucky ones. Others, for a number of reasons, have a weak immune system and frequently catch whatever virus or infection is going...

Steps to Keeping Your Fitness Resolutions

When spring rolls around, many of us are either struggling to keep our New Year’s fitness resolutions or just starting on a fitness regimen to prepare for summer. Resolutions are easy to make, but it is difficult to commit to a new habit without abandoning your...
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