Massage, Pain Relief, Self-Care, Wellness
Massage & 4 Key Lifestyle Habits Can Help Provide the Power to Heal Dr. Oz shared valuable insights and tips at the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) national conference in Denver last week as he addressed an audience of licensed massage therapists and...
Massage, News, Self-Care, Wellness
It is very well known that massage therapy has a long history; and with that long history comes a long list of health and wellness benefits. Improved concentration is just one of these. But before we try to improve our concentration, we have to find the cause. The...
Massage, Self-Care, Wellness
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined by the Mayo Clinic as “a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it.”(1) Simply put, those who suffer from PTSD cannot shut down the ‘Fight or Flight’...
Massage, Self-Care, Wellness
THE TIME IS NOW to set new sites on taking care of your health! Making small changes daily can add years to your life and what better way to kickoff the New Year than by experiencing the benefits of Therapeutic Massage. Massage not only de-stresses you, but it...