How to Get Back to Routine

Summer is coming to an end and fall is just around the corner. With fall, comes a little more regularity. Gone are the days of going to the beach in the middle of the week or taking a Friday off work simply because the Sun is shining. It is officially time to buckle...

How to Beat the Heat!

Some days, it is just too hot to do anything outside. That doesn’t mean that you have to just sit and twiddle your thumbs on the couch all day! There are plenty of great ways to enjoy yourself without melting in the hot summer sun. The most obvious way to enjoy...

The Best Alternative Summer Activities

Summer is officially here and you want to get out and be active! But, the usual walking and bike riding is starting to become a little boring. Don’t worry! There are plenty of other great alternatives. The warm weather allows for so many activities that it would...

Dad Wants a Massage Too

When people think of the health and wellness industry, they think it is predominantly dominated by women.  Here at LaVida Massage, it is actually a 60-40 (women to men) split. We encourage all genders to take an interest in their self-care. Don’t let the stigma...

How LaVida Massage Can Help Relieve Stress

April is National Stress Awareness month and with the public issue of both mental and physical health, this is a great time to make sure both your mind and body are in the right place. LaVida Massage is the perfect place to help you alleviate any stress that is...

Tips for Marathon Training and Recovery

As the winter starts to break, that means it is time for marathon season to start back up again! If you’ve never trained for a marathon before or maybe its been awhile since your last one, here are ten tips for both training and, the equally important, recovery Don’t...
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